Walking Along with MW.
This is My Life.
Friday, June 19, 2009
6/19/2009 12:46:00 AM

I'd had predicted it'd turn out this way..

I should have seen it coming..

Is it destined that my life is going to be like this forever? I guess so..

I really need a pair of listening ears right now, but who is there for me to pour everything to? I guess it's only this space over here, which I've been using for the past few mths for me to pour my unhappiness to..

I'm really getting tired.. Tired of every single thing that happened recently.. Why must it happen on me but not someone else? Why does God always chooses me over the others? Haven't I got enough obstacles in my life already?

I understand that life is full of ups and downs, but why must I be undergoing in just a short period of time? Set backs.. set backs.. And more set backs, what else can I see coming except for all these rubbish.

I used to tell my friends that it's better for them to tell someone else their problems so that the someone else can share the burden or even help them out in their situation. Bottling up doesn't help at all, but now I know, it's easier said than done. I reckon there will be much people who can really understand the situation that I'm in right now, so I might as well keep it inside me?

Now I know, the world is cruel, reality hurts and disappointment sucks.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
6/10/2009 11:35:00 PM

Suddenly have the urge to come over to this space for a random update. Nothing much to talk about my life right now, I'm feeling very uncomfortable ever since Vincent and Bingyi enlisted last week. But anyway I got a call from vincent on sunday telling me that everything is fine in there, it's great to hear from him and saying that he's adapting and sharing with me funny stuffs. =D

Well, I'm basically left with 3 months before getting enlisting. Some how having mixed feelings about this, because I'm feeling bored at times without Vin and company, on the other hand I'm losing my freedom in a few months time. But I'm working tmr until sunday at PC show to kill boredom off, at the same time get some extra cash for some upcoming activities.

Bought a pair of Liverpool vs Singapore tix from my friend, will be watching with gin next month, and also next mth will be combined class chalet at sentosa. This needs money too as well, so if there's any other roadshows, I'll be very very glad to work. I'm gonna try to make these 3 mths time left to be as interesting as possible, if I can or should I say, if it's possible.

Can someone tell me how can I get rid of inconfidence, paranoid and insecure in just a few mins time? I somehow feel that 3 feelings that I had surely bring my mood to the lowest point, where I can get really really pissed and feel like blasting every out but there's nothing for me to blast or rant at except for this blog. If miracles can happen right here right now, I guess I will be smiling and perhaps even be smiling in my sleep?

Work tmr, needa reach Suntec by 830am, and I gotta be dragging my ass out of bed at 630am. Damn. I hate waking up early!